Essence, accident et nécessité: la notion de par soi chez Averroès, 2016
By: Cristina Cerami
Title Essence, accident et nécessité: la notion de par soi chez Averroès
Type Article
Language French
Date 2016
Journal Les Études Philosophiques
Volume 117
Issue 2
Pages 217–241
Categories Aristotle, Ontology, Commentary, Logic
Author(s) Cristina Cerami
The notion of “per se” (καθ’ αὑτό) is one of the key elements of Aristotle’s ontology and epistemology. Nowhere, however, does Aristotle provide a systematic study of it, leaving the articulation of its different meanings and the significance of the general project in which this notion is inscribed unclear. This paper aims to study the interpretation that Averroes provides of this notion in his Long Commentary on the Posterior Analytics. In translating for the first time some long quotations of this commentary into a modern language, we will show the central role that this notion plays in Averroes’ scientific theory and in particular in his theory of demonstration of sign.

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Thomas d'Aquin lecteur critique du Grand Commentaire d'Averroès à Phys. I, 1, 2009
By: Cristina Cerami
Title Thomas d'Aquin lecteur critique du Grand Commentaire d'Averroès à Phys. I, 1
Type Article
Language French
Date 2009
Journal Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
Volume 19
Issue 2
Pages 189–223
Categories Thomas, Commentary, Physics, Tradition and Reception
Author(s) Cristina Cerami
The present article aims to provide a reconstruction of the interpretation offered by Thomas Aquinas of the cognitive process described at the beginning of Aristotle's Physics and of his criticism of Averroes' interpretation. It expounds to this end the exegesis of ancient Greek commentators who opened the debate on this question; then, it puts forward a reconstruction of Aquinas' doctrine by means of other texts of his corpus, as well as an explanation of his criticism of Averroes' exegesis; it finally reconstructs Averroes' interpretation worked out in his Great Commentary to Phys. I, 1, in order to show that Aquinas' disapproval is partly due to an incorrect interpretation of Averroes' divisio textus of Phys. I, 1. It suggests as well that, concerning some fundamental points, Aquinas' exegesis doesn't diverge from the interpretation proposed by Averroes.

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Generazione verticale, generazione orizzontale: il principio di sinonimia nel Commento grande di Averroè al Libro Z della Metafisica di Aristotle, 2009
By: Cristina Cerami
Title Generazione verticale, generazione orizzontale: il principio di sinonimia nel Commento grande di Averroè al Libro Z della Metafisica di Aristotle
Type Article
Language Italian
Date 2009
Journal Chôra. Revue d’Études anciennes et médiévales
Volume 7-8
Issue 2009-2010
Pages 133-62
Categories Commentary, Aristotle, Metaphysics, Avicenna
Author(s) Cristina Cerami
Le but de cet article est d’analyser l’interprétation qu’Averroès propose de l’étude de la génération spontanée développée par Aristote dans le chapitre 9 du livre Z de la Métaphysique et montrer que pour Averroès le véritable enjeu de cette étude est celui de démontrer que l’agent et le produit de la génération ont une même forme. C’est cette thèse, en effet, qui d’après le Cordouan permet en dernière instance d’instaurer entre le monde céleste et le monde terrestre une causalité, pour ainsi dire, «perpendiculaire» qui sauve à la fois l’efficacité des causes secondes et celle de la cause première qui agit par l’intermédiaire des causes célestes. Ce nouveau cadre cosmologico-ontologique apparaît manifestement comme le produit d’une stratégie menée directement contre Avicenne, car le but ultime d’Averroès est de substituer sa propre théorie de l’Artisan divin à la théorie platonicienne de la création démiurgique, à laquelle il assimile la théorie avicennienne d’une donation des formes par une Intelligence cosmique.

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Essence, accident et nécessité: la notion de par soi chez Averroès, 2016
By: Cristina Cerami
Title Essence, accident et nécessité: la notion de par soi chez Averroès
Type Article
Language French
Date 2016
Journal Les Études Philosophiques
Volume 117
Issue 2
Pages 217–241
Categories Aristotle, Ontology, Commentary, Logic
Author(s) Cristina Cerami
The notion of “per se” (καθ’ αὑτό) is one of the key elements of Aristotle’s ontology and epistemology. Nowhere, however, does Aristotle provide a systematic study of it, leaving the articulation of its different meanings and the significance of the general project in which this notion is inscribed unclear. This paper aims to study the interpretation that Averroes provides of this notion in his Long Commentary on the Posterior Analytics. In translating for the first time some long quotations of this commentary into a modern language, we will show the central role that this notion plays in Averroes’ scientific theory and in particular in his theory of demonstration of sign.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5222","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5222,"authors_free":[{"id":6025,"entry_id":5222,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":1285,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Cristina Cerami","free_first_name":"Cristina","free_last_name":"Cerami","norm_person":{"id":1285,"first_name":"Cristina","last_name":"Cerami","full_name":"Cristina Cerami","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/139713840","viaf_url":"https:\/\/\/viaf\/317111513","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]=Cristina Cerami"}}],"entry_title":"Essence, accident et n\u00e9cessit\u00e9: la notion de par soi chez Averro\u00e8s","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"Essence, accident et n\u00e9cessit\u00e9: la notion de par soi chez Averro\u00e8s"},"abstract":"The notion of \u201cper se\u201d (\u03ba\u03b1\u03b8\u2019 \u03b1\u1f51\u03c4\u03cc) is one of the key elements of Aristotle\u2019s ontology and epistemology. Nowhere, however, does Aristotle provide a systematic study of it, leaving the articulation of its different meanings and the significance of the general project in which this notion is inscribed unclear. This paper aims to study the interpretation that Averroes provides of this notion in his Long Commentary on the Posterior Analytics. In translating for the first time some long quotations of this commentary into a modern language, we will show the central role that this notion plays in Averroes\u2019 scientific theory and in particular in his theory of demonstration of sign. ","btype":3,"date":"2016","language":"French","online_url":"","doi_url":" https:\/\/\/10.3917\/leph.162.0217 ","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":21,"category_name":"Aristotle","link":"bib?categories[]=Aristotle"},{"id":65,"category_name":"Ontology","link":"bib?categories[]=Ontology"},{"id":23,"category_name":"Commentary","link":"bib?categories[]=Commentary"},{"id":27,"category_name":"Logic","link":"bib?categories[]=Logic"}],"authors":[{"id":1285,"full_name":"Cristina Cerami","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5222,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Les \u00c9tudes Philosophiques","volume":"117","issue":"2","pages":"217\u2013241"}},"sort":["Essence, accident et n\u00e9cessit\u00e9: la notion de par soi chez Averro\u00e8s"]}

Generazione verticale, generazione orizzontale: il principio di sinonimia nel Commento grande di Averroè al Libro Z della Metafisica di Aristotle, 2009
By: Cristina Cerami
Title Generazione verticale, generazione orizzontale: il principio di sinonimia nel Commento grande di Averroè al Libro Z della Metafisica di Aristotle
Type Article
Language Italian
Date 2009
Journal Chôra. Revue d’Études anciennes et médiévales
Volume 7-8
Issue 2009-2010
Pages 133-62
Categories Commentary, Aristotle, Metaphysics, Avicenna
Author(s) Cristina Cerami
Le but de cet article est d’analyser l’interprétation qu’Averroès propose de l’étude de la génération spontanée développée par Aristote dans le chapitre 9 du livre Z de la Métaphysique et montrer que pour Averroès le véritable enjeu de cette étude est celui de démontrer que l’agent et le produit de la génération ont une même forme. C’est cette thèse, en effet, qui d’après le Cordouan permet en dernière instance d’instaurer entre le monde céleste et le monde terrestre une causalité, pour ainsi dire, «perpendiculaire» qui sauve à la fois l’efficacité des causes secondes et celle de la cause première qui agit par l’intermédiaire des causes célestes. Ce nouveau cadre cosmologico-ontologique apparaît manifestement comme le produit d’une stratégie menée directement contre Avicenne, car le but ultime d’Averroès est de substituer sa propre théorie de l’Artisan divin à la théorie platonicienne de la création démiurgique, à laquelle il assimile la théorie avicennienne d’une donation des formes par une Intelligence cosmique.

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Thomas d'Aquin lecteur critique du Grand Commentaire d'Averroès à Phys. I, 1, 2009
By: Cristina Cerami
Title Thomas d'Aquin lecteur critique du Grand Commentaire d'Averroès à Phys. I, 1
Type Article
Language French
Date 2009
Journal Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
Volume 19
Issue 2
Pages 189–223
Categories Thomas, Commentary, Physics, Tradition and Reception
Author(s) Cristina Cerami
The present article aims to provide a reconstruction of the interpretation offered by Thomas Aquinas of the cognitive process described at the beginning of Aristotle's Physics and of his criticism of Averroes' interpretation. It expounds to this end the exegesis of ancient Greek commentators who opened the debate on this question; then, it puts forward a reconstruction of Aquinas' doctrine by means of other texts of his corpus, as well as an explanation of his criticism of Averroes' exegesis; it finally reconstructs Averroes' interpretation worked out in his Great Commentary to Phys. I, 1, in order to show that Aquinas' disapproval is partly due to an incorrect interpretation of Averroes' divisio textus of Phys. I, 1. It suggests as well that, concerning some fundamental points, Aquinas' exegesis doesn't diverge from the interpretation proposed by Averroes.

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